482 Visa Rejection:  Is Your Nominated Position Genuine Enough

482 Visa Rejection: Is Your Nominated Position Genuine Enough

August 17, 20231 min read

The Case for Business Scale:

"Hold on a sec! The size of a business shouldn't be the only yardstick for measuring genuineness. Big or small, a company's structure can vary. A small-scale business might still have specialized roles that require international expertise. If the role's duties and the candidate's qualifications align, what's to say it's not genuine? Sometimes, it's about finding the perfect fit." 

The Doubts from the Department:

"But wait, there's more! The Department of Immigration often scrutinizes the scale and scope of the business to determine if the nominated position truly fits. If the business is relatively small and the nominated position seems disproportionately grandiose, there could be concerns. If it's beyond the natural progression of roles within the company or if there's an insufficient connection between the role and the company's activities, the position's genuineness could be questioned." 

Share Your Insights!

Do you believe that the size of a company should dictate the authenticity of a nominated position for a 482 Visa? Or do you think that sometimes even smaller businesses need specialized roles? Perhaps you've got experiences to share or viewpoints on how the relationship between a role and a company's activities matters. Dive into the conversation and let's explore this dimension together! 🗨️🌐 

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